Driver Safety: The Forgotten Element of Fleet Management

May 11, 2023 Even if your fleet has high-end, well-maintained vehicles, it’s no use if the people operating them are ill-equipped in driver safety practices.

This being the case, it is in an organization’s best interest to put driver safety and well-being at the forefront of the fleet management strategy. An often dismissed or ignored element in maintaining a fleet, not only does this practice ensure the safety of drivers and the general public alike, but it also helps ensure your vehicle assets are less likely to incur damage and therefore incur less cost.

5 Ways to Promote Driver Safety

     1. Proper Driver Training

Needless to say, good training is a good foundation. Companies should focus on teaching defensive driving techniques, driving etiquette, and best practices. These practices include but are not limited to:

    • proper wearing of seatbelts
    • being mindful of road signs
    • company-imposed driver safety practices
    • proper vehicle maintenance protocols
    • government laws and regulations regarding proper road safety
      2. Driver Monitoring Using MDVR Technology

Like almost everything in fleet management, driver safety can be improved and made easier with the aid of technology such as Mobile Digital Video Recorders (MDVRs). Going beyond the capabilities of a regular dashcam, MDVRs provide a real-time live feed, allowing fleet managers to monitor drivers while on the road ensuring accountability and compliance with government and company regulations. Additionally, they serve as effective evidence in the event of a road accident and a deterrent against theft, even at night where there is low visibility.

      3. Optimizing Journeys

An often overlooked element of overall vehicle and driver safety is investing in crafting the best possible route. One of the more common practices is to leave it to the driver to decide but by taking the time and effort to plot the shortest and most efficient routes as possible, the trips will have less strain on both the driver and vehicle. Less fuel is wasted, less time consumed, and less chances of getting into unforeseen accidents. If fleet managers find this too tedious and time-consuming, there are fleet management solutions that automatically derive the best possible routes and track if drivers follow these pre-planned routes.

     4. Real-time Location Tracking

Not only will investing in real-time location tracking enable you to monitor the whereabouts and activities of your vehicles and drivers, it can also play a crucial role in the event of unforeseen incidents. Some fleet management solutions offer multiple location use cases, such as when one of your vehicles carrying an urgent delivery breaks down. Several fleet management solutions such as NavX can plot both route and estimated time of arrival from the nearest vehicles to the one experiencing issues. 

In just a few seconds, you’ll be able to send support while at the same time provide an alternative vehicle to take care of the urgent delivery.

      5. Insurance and Assistance

Despite all the proper training, driver vigilance, and technological contingencies to ensure driver safety, there are times where incidents simply take place without warning and are just beyond anyone’s control referred to as a force majeure or an act of god. What is important is that companies provide proper insurance, and assistance—be it medical benefits, and/or competent legal counsel to protect drivers and their families and to help them in their recovery in the event of an accident.

Webcast’s NavX and TrackMe Suite offer fleet management solutions, designed to cater to your business’ needs with multiple use case options available. For more information, questions, or inquiries, visit

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